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Streetwise Pepper Spray

Below you'll find our Streetwise Pepper Spray models! Streetwise 23 Pepper Spray has a CHR of over 230,000 SHU (1.47% Total Capsaicinoids) making it one of the hottest, most effective self-defense sprays on the market. For comparison, the independent laboratory tested competing brands. They found the average heat rating to be 123,000 SHU, making Streetwise 23 over 87% hotter than the competition! Streetwise Pepper Spray is so potent that it can incapacitate an attacker for up to 45 minutes without causing any permanent harm. Check out the short video below demonstrating the "stopping power" of pepper spray!

Save 17%
65.62 54.65
Color options: Black, Red
Save 37%
4.29 2.71
Package options: 2 Pack, 8 Pack
Save 25%
12.49 9.37
Color options: 2oz, 3oz, 4oz
87.49 78.09
Select model: California Compliant, Complete Kit, Launcher Only
Save 34%
9.37 6.21
Color options: Black, Blue, Pink, Purple, Red, Yellow
